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Now that Whablow Town has finished it is time to decide which match is the best ever played by the Blowers. Here are a few highlights:

RODING VALLEY 2-7 One of the most memorable games in Whablow's history, the first half was full of highlights: Belsey's odd socks, Simon Li's late arrival and Daniel Voss falling to the floor more often than Francis Jeffers to name but three. A 2-1 half time lead was sealed thanks to a Bianchi double strike, but the second half featured comical defending with Voss' own goal (off his knee into the top corner) summing it all up. Madness.

  Westhamians 4-7 In an end of season match with positions already decided, Whablow played their best attacking football all season and scored four goals, three from emergency striker Jamie Steed and one from from Neil Bianchi, his 6th of the campaign.

  Woodberry Down 2-8 Although not generally remembered as one of Whablow's greatest games, it was the match that saw the emwergence of players such as Abdul Munshi and Eugene Ogbewele who had previously failed to make a major impact that season. Goals from Ben Luxton and the aforementioned Ogbewele meant that at one point the score was pulled back to 3-2, but tiredness took its toll late on.

COLLIER ROW 2-3 In Whablow's penultimate league fixture they came as close as they have ever done to securing a league point. After giving Collier Row a two goal start, Whablow fought back and had the edge in most of the match. At 3-1 it looked all over but Whablow scored from a corner late on to set up a frantic finale but they could not find an equaliser
  Ainsley Wood 1-3 Neil Bianchi gave Whablow the lead after only 6 minutes and the lead stuck until half time due to excellent defending by the back four, with the combination of Lennard and Buttwell in central defence once again looking strong. Mistakes by Steed and Sivanesan in the second half put Ainsley Wood in front, and Whablow just couldn't force their way back into it, conceding a third with seconds left to play.