Awards and Performances
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Whablow Awards and Performances- looking back at the season 2000-01
On this page is a list of the winners in the vote at the end of last season for awards such as Goal of the Season, Own Goal of the Season and, of course, Player of the Season.

Also, there is a list of the most memorable Whablow matches from last season.

Picture: Player of the Season Kwan Leung. He captained the side for most of last season and won the support of the players with battling midfield displays. He looked in command in all positions, and his performances early on in the season when he played as a sweeper were outstanding.

Most Memorable Whablow Matches
v Ainslie Wood (a) 1-3 Whablow battled hard to secure a 1-0 half time lead thanks to a Neil Bianchi strike. In the second half defensive errors cost them dear.
v Westhamians (a) 4-7 An end-of-season classic which saw goals going in at both ends. Whablow clawed back 2-0 and 3-1 deficits to get the game back to 3-3 just after half time, but once again defensive errors cost them and Westhamians zoomed into a 6-3 lead. Martin Kendrick then won a penalty, and Steed converted for his third goal of the match. Westhamians added a seventh before the end, a superb volley from a corner.
v Roding Valley (a) 2-7 A Bianchi double-strike saw Whablow into the lead after Roding had scored an early goal. With many first team regulars out, Simon Li had been given his chance to shine, and he was instrumental in both goals. In the second half it all fell apart though as Roding piled on the pressure. They scored six, including a free kick and an own goal by Daniel Voss.
v Wingate and Finchley (a) 1-17 A game worth mentioning simply for the fact that it provided Whablow's first ever goal. A Steed cross from the left wing was headed into the top corner by striker Neil Bianchi.

Awards for season 2000-01
Player of the Year Kwan Leung
Goal of the Season Robert Buttwell, v Roding Valley (h)
Best Player Performance In Single Match Jamie Steed, v Harlow Town Youth (a)
Most Improved Player Neil Bianchi 2nd: Siv Sivanesan
Team Performance v Ainslie Wood (a) 1-3
Own Goal of the Season Daniel Voss, v Roding Valley (a)
Player Of The Year 2001-02 Robert Buttwell
Goal Of The Season: Ben Luxton v Woodberry Down (h)
Own Goal Of The Season: Martin Kendrick

More awards coming soon!